Thursday, March 12, 2020

Ec. Sec. and Stab. in Azerb. essays

Ec. Sec. and Stab. in Azerb. essays Today we are discussing very important issues concerning the link between economics, security and stability. Here the main question is how security and stability can provide economic development and how economic development can promote peace and security in certain regions. Consideration of the link between these three factors can help decision-makers to take the necessary steps in order to provide co-operation and economic integration. The link between economics, security and stability becomes more crucial when applied to the region of the Azerbaijan. During recent years this region has become very important due to a number of factors. One of the main factors is the existence of considerable energy resources in the Caspian region that creates good opportunities for rapid economic development through the attraction of foreign investment. The other major factor is that this region has significant transit opportunities that could provide the necessary co-operative On the other hand, the difficulties of transition from command to the market economy and the consequences of existing military conflicts remain an impediment to economic development. Moreover, useless competition, rivalry and potential conflicts that derive from geopolitical interests in the region continue to threaten the possibilities of exploring substantial natural resources for the world economy. Thus, the region of the Southern Caucasus is both very attractive and complicated Azerbaijan, which is situated in the heart of the region of Caucasus and Central Asia, has experienced extremely difficult conditions in its early years of post-communist political and economic transition. Following the collapse of the Soviet Union, Azerbaijan inherited an ineffective command economy and broken productive, financial and trade links. As a result, the economy suffered from serious macroeconomic imbalances. A new leadership of Azerbaija...

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