Saturday, December 28, 2019

Why Do Teenage Girls Feel With Eating Disorders - 1775 Words

Why do teenage girls feel the need to be thin? Who is telling them that they have to be thin to be pretty? The answer may actually lay in the foundations of our society. As a result of society’s portrayal of women in the media and other places, more women are being diagnosed with eating disorders. There are three main kinds of eating disorders. First, one of the more deadly eating disorders is anorexia nervosa, usually called anorexia. It is a potentially life-threatening disorder that is characterized by an abnormally low body weight, an intense fear of gaining weight, and a distorted perception of their weight or shape. 90-95% of those who have anorexia are girls and women, and 5-10% of those who are diagnosed with anorexia will†¦show more content†¦Another eating disorder is called bulimia nervosa. It is more common than anorexia but is just as life-threatening. It is characterized by recurring episodes of binge eating. Those who have bulimia usually feel no control over these episodes. Afterwards, the person feels guilty over this habit and will try to compensate for it, typically by vomiting, fasting, using laxatives, excessive exercise, or a combination of all these things. About 80% of those who have bulimia are female (, 2016 ). Bulimia can be triggered when women try to diet, fail at doing so, then binge on food as a reaction. Similar to anorexia, bulimic people normally have low self-esteem about their body image. Additionally, a bulimic person knows that their habits are dangerous to their health, but they can’t stop, as they feel they have no control over these episodes. Some symptoms include an excessive and rigid exercise routine (as they feel the need to â€Å"burn off† the calories they consumed), the disappearance of large amounts of food over a short period of time, and a withdrawal from friends or activities. Those who have bulimia have a high risk of becoming depressed. However, it is difficult to diagnose a person with bulimia, as they are usually of normal body weight and will hide their habits. Additionally, bulimia can cause an electrolyte imbalance, which can lead to Why Do Teenage Girls Feel With Eating Disorders - 1775 Words Why do teenage girls feel the need to be thin? Who is telling them that they have to be thin to be pretty? The answer may actually lay in the foundations of our society. As a result of society’s portrayal of women in the media and other places, more women are being diagnosed with eating disorders. There are three main kinds of eating disorders. First, one of the more deadly eating disorders is anorexia nervosa, usually called anorexia. It is a potentially life-threatening disorder that is characterized by an abnormally low body weight, an intense fear of gaining weight, and a distorted perception of their weight or shape. 90-95% of those who have anorexia are girls and women, and 5-10% of those who are diagnosed with anorexia will†¦show more content†¦Another eating disorder is called bulimia nervosa. It is more common than anorexia but is just as life-threatening. It is characterized by recurring episodes of binge eating. Those who have bulimia usually feel no control over these episodes. Afterwards, the person feels guilty over this habit and will try to compensate for it, typically by vomiting, fasting, using laxatives, excessive exercise, or a combination of all these things. About 80% of those who have bulimia are female (, 2016 ). Bulimia can be triggered when women try to diet, fail at doing so, then binge on food as a reaction. Similar to anorexia, bulimic people normally have low self-esteem about their body image. Additionally, a bulimic person knows that their habits are dangerous to their health, but they can’t stop, as they feel they have no control over these episodes. Some symptoms include an excessive and rigid exercise routine (as they feel the need to â€Å"burn off† the calories they consumed), the disappearance of large amounts of food over a short period of time, and a withdrawal from friends or activities. Those who have bulimia have a high risk of becoming depressed. However, it is difficult to diagnose a person with bulimia, as they are usually of normal body weight and will hide their habits. Additionally, bulimia can cause an electrolyte imbalance, which can lead to

Friday, December 20, 2019

Knowledge And Knowledge Of Knowledge - 1241 Words

In the Natural Sciences and Religion the gaining of knowledge involves networks of ways of knowing which are often linked together in order to produce knowledge. However, the gaining of knowledge can be centered on academic knowledge production for example, gaining knowledge while working on an academic research otherwise through a process of discovery where knowledge suddenly comes into people. In addition to this, a network can be defined as connections between entities to create an integrated whole. Therefore the entities, being the ways of knowing, result with the integrated whole being the knowledge. The ways of knowing are the means by which we are provided with the essential information and understanding that permits us to gain knowledge within an area of knowledge. Information can be gained while reading, reasoning, observing and talking. Also, since ways of knowing interact with each other, each area of knowledge uses a network of ways of knowing to gain knowledge. In this essay I will discuss, how in order to gain knowledge there is the involvement of a network of ways of knowing. Also, I will be analyzing this question through the perspective of two subject areas : Natural Sciences and Religion. The two areas of knowledge, Religion and the Natural Sciences use different methodologies in the acquisition of knowledge. In the Natural Sciences the only acceptable approach in order to gain knowledge within this area of knowledge is the scientific method. TheShow MoreRelatedThe Knowledge Of Knowledge And Knowledge Essay1450 Words   |  6 PagesWhat is knowledge? Some would say that it is simply â€Å"to know,† but it is much deeper than that. The philosophers of knowledge have developed arguments about the different terms used to explain the term â€Å"knowledge.† As apparent with philosophers, each philosopher has his or her thought about the idea of knowledge where they either agree with some of their fellow philosophers, or criticize their ideas. The knowledge of knowing how and knowing that are different from each other, although they show someRead MoreThe Fundamental Knowledge Of Knowledge1637 Words   |  7 PagesThe fundamental knowledge issue arising from this question is whether knowledge is consistent throughout time. Can we progress through applying knowledge generated decades ago? To determine whether knowledge generated from areas such as history and science can predict the future, it is necessary to know whether the knowledge acquired through these areas of knowing is consistent, irrespective of changes in time and culture, amongst other factors. Through considering this question, we are gaining insightRead MoreKnowledge And Value Of Knowledge1222 Words   |  5 Pagesâ€Å"It is only knowledge produced with difficulty that we truly value.† To what extent do you agree with this statement? 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The applications of knowledge management have now spread to other organizationsRead MoreThe Types Of Knowledge And Knowledge Essay1196 Words   |  5 Pagesunderstand different forms of knowledge as well as the ability to differentiate between the types of knowledge is very vital in day to day life. Different philosophers have discovered different types of knowledge including personal knowledge, procedural knowledge and propositional knowledge. Of the three types, propositional knowledge also known as knowledge of facts is th at which many philosophers have really dwelled on. However, it is very important to have knowledge regarding the relationship betweenRead MoreThe True Knowledge Of Knowledge2300 Words   |  10 PagesTrue Knowledge What really is true knowledge? Can anyone really be sure if anything they know is really true? These types of questions are at the heart of every philosophical debate. They have generated countless theories and for centuries philosophers have questioned whether knowledge exists and if we know anything at all. It s a topic that goes as far back as 400 BC. So what is Knowledge? Knowledge is actually defined by the dictionary as, â€Å"general awareness or possession of informationRead MoreKnowledge Management and Organizational Knowledge882 Words   |  4 Pagesadopted the socio-technical systems information and knowledge management has become increasingly importance to businesses. Knowledge Management process continues to enable managers and employees with valuable understanding of their business environment and knowledge to make strategic business decisions. This essay will explain data, information and knowledge as well as the socio-technical system, knowledge management, organizational knowledge and organizational learning. 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Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Gazellein 2012 free essay sample

Gazelle is a leading online market to purchase and sell used electronic devices. However, its legal name is â€Å"Second Rotation† but customers see it as â€Å"gazelle† which was chosen for branding and operational purpose by Gannet, Aurelien McElhiney the co founders of Second rotation. How did gazelle attain sustainable competitive advantage? The secret of Gazelle for attaining the sustainable competitive advantage (a competitive advantage that is difficult for competitors to imitate) lies in wisely considering the business opportunities at the right time. The co founders observed different practices made by the people i. e. they did not try to recycle or sell their electronic devices. Rather they would just leave using the device, which was not of any interest to them. Nevertheless, responsible consumption, financial crisis of 2007-9, space requirements to keep useless items and new product introduction did persuade people to either sell the device or recycle it. Gazelle was developed by keeping these factors in view. Since no other platform was present at that time to provide the facility of buying and selling the used products other than eBay, which itself was not much effective. Therefore, Ganot and cofounders took the advantage of that opportunity and provided the platform for such transactions. Gazelle from its origin has been very competent in doing the business as it took over a large magnitude of large retailers and local customers. With an easy access to the customers, it became famous in no time with heavy web traffic on its website. It was due to the skills of the management that it had almost 900000 viewers of website in 2012. Competitive Advantages: Gazelle has competitive advantage over other competitors in following attributes: -Listing process used by Gazelle is splendid as it specifies every thing related to the product. -Shipping logistics: An addition of a box to pack the goods in and pre-paid shipping charges are also an advantage over other competitors. -Dealing with pre- and post sale customer inquiries efficiently -Re-pricing consideration: if the product does not come out to be matching with the specifications and conditions mentioned by the seller, it is wisely re priced by Gazelle. -Price Arbitrage: Gazelle certainly have significant advantage of information regarding sellers and buyers. Therefore, it can draw sufficient margins from buying and selling prices. Strengths: Gazelle certainly had the strengths as it had a competitive advantage. Strengths of Gazelle are listed below. Variety of products: Gazelle offered a variety of electronic devices to customers with 22 categories of it. Customer obsessed culture: Gazelle has been customer oriented since its start, as it has been providing several facilities to buyers and sellers including a box offered to the seller to pack the goods in. Company Image: Gazelle has been very popular even in the initial years, as it had been providing quality service to customers. This resulted in creating a good image about the company in customers’ minds. Quality items: Quality of the product was kept in consideration while selling it to different buyers, as buyers seemed to be quite reluctant in buying used goods because of the possible defects present in them. However, Gazelle assured quality. Market share: Gazelle has an advantage of bigger market share compared to its competitors. Recent figures show that views of gazelle. com are almost thrice as that of its biggest competitor. Weaknesses: Gazelle lacks weaknesses in many regards but according to some reviews by customers gazelle sometimes took extra time while dispatching the goods and also in delivery of checks. Gazelle also had a weak image outside US. Opportunities: Gazelle has following opportunities from its external environment, which can lead it to better growth. New product introduction: New products keep coming in the market and people after using a product for short time switch to a newer one. This provides Gazelle an opportunity to grow. Intermediation: Ganot is currently thinking to switch the gazelle as an intermediary between sellers and buyer’s . This would get larger profits with minimum liabilities for gazelle. Social trends: Social trends keep changing but world has now started thinking about the environment critically. They do not waste the product. They either sell it or recycle it. This is an opportunity for Gazelle to make growth. Threats: With all the opportunities, available Gazelle indeed is threatened by external environment. Its rivals including eBay and others are a constant source of threat. Major threats include threat of imitation and the bargaining powers of sellers and buyers. Porter’s five forces model explains it at best. Internal Analysis: VRIO and gazelle: VRIO stand for valuable, rare, inimitable and organized respectively. While analyzing a company it kept in view to discuss VRIO. Gazelle has been offering valuable, rare, inimitable and organized goods at the same time, which led it to acquire sustainable competitive advantage. (See appendices) Economies of scale and scope: A company reaches economies of scale when cost incurred for the products gets lesser as the quantity of the goods increases. Economies of scope are related to acquiring lower costs when offering or producing a couple of products together. Gazelle in this regard attained both while selling and buying a large number and variety of used products. (See appendices) Attaining economies of scale internally has caused a difficulty for new rivals to compete against Gazelle. Moreover, Gazelle has developed product efficiency too which is attained by keeping the cost lower in long run. External Analysis: Porter’s five forces model: Porter five forces model explains all those forces which affect the organization externally. (See appendices) ? Threat of new entrants: There is possible threat of competitive entrants apart from current competitors. ? Threat of substitute services: There is a minimum threat that a new service evolutes in this industry. ? Bargaining power of buyers: With the presence of other service providers in the market, buyers might want the used products at lower prices. ? Bargaining power of sellers: Sellers may also want to sell their products at a higher price. ? Current rivalry: Current competition may become hard as the competitors grow in various aspects. But currently the rivalry is moderate because gazelle has a competitive advantage over other rivals. PEST Analysis: PEST stands for political, economic, social and technological factors respectively. (See appendices) Political: There is less political influence on the working of Gazelle but there might be a threat of more legislations and taxes in future. Economic: It refers to the interest rates, inflation rates etc. the economic factors of the region have now become stabled after the financial crisis of 2007-9. A recession season again may cause changes in the profitability of gazelle. Social: Social trends are becoming favorable for Gazelle, people are trying to either recycle the used products or sell them. Technological: Technology is getting advanced day by day, which is good sign for gazelle as new products are formed and people switch to them selling their old products. Keys success factors for Gazelle: In my opinion key success factors for Gazelle are following: Easy access: It takes no time to access to Gazelle to sell or buy anything. Fast: Gazelle is very popular in customers for its fast transactions. Customer-oriented: Gazelle has been customer oriented from its origin. This had added up to its growth vitally. Quality Assurance: Gazelle has occupied the minds of customers as a brand, which assures quality used products. Synergy: Gazelle’s synergy with its online partners and large retailers has also made its contribution for the success of Gazelle. Appendices SWOT Analysis Strengths Weaknesses ? High profitability ? Comparatively weak presence outside US ? Company image ? High variation in profitability ? Market share ? Variety of products ? Availability of resources ? Global brand ? Strong distribution network ? Customer loyalty and repeat purchases Opportunities Threat ? Co-branding with other brands ? Emergence of new competitors ? New technologies ? Tax increases ? Growing levels of globalization PEST ANALYSIS Political current legislation future legislation international legislation government policies home market pressure- groups international pressure- groups wars and conflicts Economical economy trends general taxation taxation specific to product/services specific industry factors distribution trends interest/ exchange rates Social lifestyle trends consumer attitudes and opinions media views brand, company, technology image consumer buying patterns major events and influences buying access and trends advertising and publicity Technological technology development associated/dependent technologies information and communications consumer buying mechanisms/technology technology legislation innovation potential technology access, licensing, patents Porter’s five forces Analysis Threat of new entrants -Minimum to moderate threat due to current competent competitors. Bargaining Power of Sellers -due to emergence of other competitors sellers power may augment Current Rivalry -Moderate to high -Fewer competitors Threat of substitute services -Evolution of new service is difficult Bargaining power of buyers depends upon the service quality of competitors VRIO Valuable Rare Inimitable Organized Competitive advantage Yes Yes Yes Yes Sustainable Economies of Scale (SRAC Shot run average cost)

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Impact of Blockchain on Supply Chain Industry-Samples for Students

Question: Provide a brief description of Bitcoin and the underlying blockchain technology. Appraise how blockchain may impact the logistics and supply chain industry as well as the finance and accounting sectors. Answer: Bitcoin and Blockchain Technology Bitcoin refers to the digital currency which was introduced in 2009 which is not backed by the central bank of the country. The application of bitcoin can be used for trading goods and services with the suppliers who accept bitcoin currency as payments for the goods and services. This form of currency is also known as crypto currency (Reid Harrigan, 2013). The bitcoin system is operated by network and the network is designed to produce 21 million bitcoins and also has regulations which can deal with inflationary pressure. Bitcoins are stored in a digital wallet and can be send to different addresses as per the requirements of the users (Androulaki et al., 2013). In many countries such as United States, bitcoins are controversial as it is mostly used for transfer or hide funds. Bitcoins need to be backed by government currencies in order to keep track of the digital money. The technology which is associated with bitcoin and crypto currency is known as blockchain technology. The blockchain technology has the ability to change a number of important industries which are healthcare, politics, retail and other similar industry. Bitcoin and all alternative currency uses blockchain technology in different ways Crosby. In the case of bitcoins, new blocks are created in every ten minutes which performs the function of verifying, recording new transactions that have taken place (Crosby et al., 2016). Impact of Blockchain Technology The use of blockchain technology has been becoming more and more popular. The main application of the blockchain technology is widespread and it can be used in financial and logistics management. In case of a logistic industry, the main activities which are involved relates to transportation, storage and other similar related activities (Badzar, 2016). The main requirements of a successful logics and supply chain management are transparency, safety, accessibility and security of the products. All of theses are covered by the blockchain technology and therefore it is very effective for the development of the logistics and supply chain management department of the company. The logistic industry involves lot variables such as customers, suppliers, manufacturer. The introduction of blockchain technology will benefit every variable involved in logistics and supply chain management (Apte Petrovsky, 2016). With the introduction of blockchain technology in the process the customers will be able to keep a track of the product as the product is being delivered to the them. The entire process of manufacturing, packaging, supply and delivery can be traced easily. Another advantage is that with the help of this technology the overall process of verification of stocks gets easier as most of the information are stored in the blocks which is responsible for recording of transaction in the ledger accounts. The incorporation of blockchain technology allows the business to have a security for the information. Blockchain technology is a technology which is used in the process of accounting and it is related with effective management of ledger accounts keeping in track the accuracy level and also involves transfers of ownership of assets (Atzori, 2015). The impact of blockchain technology on the financing and accounting techniques are immense. The blockchain technologies are made up of smaller blocks which are responsible for recording all the transactions and also gets the same stored in the ledger accounts. The transactions which are recorded can also be easily be verified and further review for the process of auditing. Thus, with the use of blockchain technology the business will not only be improving the accounting process but also the overall auditing and control process of the financial statement. The primary focuses of the professionals who are engaged in the process of accounting is on accuracy, accessibility of the financial information. a lot of time of the professionals are taken up in the checking and reviewing of the financial statements and the items which are included in the same. The use of blockchain technology creates a single source of information which are used and have accuracy. Moreover, with the introduction of the blockchain technology in the finance business costly audit processes and internal investigations can be avoided. The time-consuming processes of cross-referencing and double-checking of the accounting records and ledgers can be avoided with the introduction of blockchain technology. Thus, from the above discussions it is clear that blockchain technology will be very much effective in the field of accounting and finance as well as logistics and supply chain management. The future implications of blockchain technologies is very much significant and it can impact major industries thereby making improvements in their processes. References Androulaki, E., Karame, G. O., Roeschlin, M., Scherer, T., Capkun, S. (2013, April). Evaluating user privacy in bitcoin. InInternational Conference on Financial Cryptography and Data Security(pp. 34-51). Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg. Apte, S., Petrovsky, N. (2016). Will blockchain technology revolutionize excipient supply chain management?.Journal of Excipients and Food Chemicals,7(3). Atzori, M. (2015). Blockchain technology and decentralized governance: Is the state still necessary?. Badzar, A. (2016). Blockchain for securing sustainable transport contracts and supply chain transparency-An explorative study of blockchain technology in logistics. Crosby, M., Pattanayak, P., Verma, S., Kalyanaraman, V. (2016). Blockchain technology: Beyond bitcoin.Applied Innovation,2, 6-10. Reid, F., Harrigan, M. (2013). An analysis of anonymity in the bitcoin system. InSecurity and privacy in social networks(pp. 197-223). Springer, New York, NY.